BOWAS Extrusion Process
Main Operation
The production of strands of various diameters and perforations for different types of double base- and multi base propellants.
Available Capacities
The maximum capacity is 250 kg/h but depends on the consistency of the dough, the configurations and diameters of the propellant strands and on the number and models of inserted dies. For double base- and multi base propellants Extrusion presses with 750 up to 4300 kN main cylinder force are available.
BOWAS is in a position to offer a modern, state of the art plant concept which fits into the concept of existing client’s plant sections actually under mod- ernization and as stand economic solution which follows the client’s requirements.
Better economic results
The design and concept of the BOWAS pressing process to- gether with a predefined degree of automation offer an optimum balance between investment costs and necessary personnel requirements. The equipment is designed for a high availability at low maintenance costs.
Advantages of the process
Compared to other existing extrusion processes BOWAS‘ process offers the following advantages:
Safety – Special care has been dedicated to increase the safety of the extrusion process. All equipment has been designed and built in accordance with the latest and most advanced technology and is based on our extensive experience in the field of explosives and propellant production. An important increase in safety is achieved by the remote control of movements including the automatic turning of the mass cylinders.
The process is designed with the necessary automation level in order to minimize the number of operating personnel in areas of potential risk. This also reduces the frequency and duration of the operators’ activities in these areas.
The Extrusion press is equipped with a pressure control system, which is activated as soon as the propellant dough has started to be compressed by the main press ram.
During start of extrusion, the pressure increases from zero to the pre-set max. level in an adjustable period of time. The required pressing speed is then maintained during the main pressing operation. This pressure control system guarantees safe operation. The underlying operating figures as empirical data sets of years of operating experience and research save operating and maintenance costs and are responsible for the good surface quality of the extruded strands.
Ergonomics for the operating personnel in the different operation steps are improved by mechanized handling providing safety and cost effective production with known and tested technology.